Feral Animals Australia

F.A.A specialise in feral animal management and eradication. Our mission is to protect ecosystems and native wildlife by implementing a multi-faceted approach that combines advanced technology, sustainable practices, and humane methods. We understand the critical importance of balancing environmental conservation with the ethical treatment of these animals.

Our team uses cutting-edge techniques to control invasive species while minimising harm. From precision trapping to eco-friendly repellents, we're dedicated to achieving lasting results in the most compassionate way possible. F.A.A is your trusted partner in preserving biodiversity and safeguarding Australia's delicate ecosystem.

Thank you in advance for your enquiry.

The Threatened Species Action Plan 2022 - 2032

The Threatened Species Action Plan 2022-2032 maps a pathway to protect, manage and restore Australia’s threatened species and important natural places.

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Pest animals cost Australia around $25 billion a year – and it will get worse

Shamefully, Australia has one of the highest extinction rates in the world. And the number one threat to our species is invasive or “alien” plants and animals.

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Feral cats are the most costly feral animal on the economy

Feral Animals in Australia

In Australia, feral animals typically have few natural predators or fatal diseases and some have high reproductive rates. As a result, their populations have not naturally diminished and they can multiply rapidly if conditions are favourable.

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